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Required documents


Stage A: Loan pre-approval

Pre-approval is based on Bank’s credit check.

  1. Application.
  2. Identity Card or Passport.
  3. The last income tax return reporting the amount codes, or a copy of the last tax return (E1) with a certificate of reception (the self-employed must submit the income tax returns of the previous 3 years).
  4. A photocopy of E9 property statement (in case of ownership-occupancy).
  5. Last wage/pension statement, or relative certificate from the employer.
  6. Bank eligibility or the last monthly account (in case of other loans or cards mentioned).
  7. A solemn statement of the term 8 L.1599/1986 provided by the Greek Postal Savings Bank, regarding possible other debts.

In the programme that excludes financial control, only the last year’s tax elements are required (tax return or E1), just in order to confirm personal, professional, financial and other data.

Stage B: Legal and Technical Control

Documents required for legal and technical control are the folowing:

  1. Official final contract of house or apartment or building site purchase, with transcription certificate.
  2. Land registry quote by the owners of the purchased / mortgaged property (for sites belonging to the National Cadastre of Greece).
  3. A photocopy of the building permit, (topographical, for building sites or domains).
  4. A photocopy of the ground plan.

Stage C: Loan funding

To start your loan’s funding, you have to submit the following documents after signing the private loan covenant:

  1. The certificate from the land registry belonging to the property’s area confirming the securing registration of mortgage, charges, possession and no claim (the last 3 must have a date later than the first one).
  2. Insurance policy on Fire and Earthquake of the mortgaged properties by assigning insurance policy rights on behalf of Greek Postal Savings Bank. This document is not required for building sites or domains. Insurance value is equal to the property’s value.
